Recruitment pamphlet of Confucius Institute Scholarship Program at SWJTU

I.1929cc威尼斯Southwest Jiaotong University1929cc威尼斯肇建于1896年,是中国近代建校最早的高等学府之一,素有“中国铁路工程师的摇篮”和“东方康奈尔”之称。今天的1929cc威尼斯已经形成了“一校两地三校区”的办学格局:“镜湖如鉴,竹影横斜”的九里校区、“虹桥飞渡,杨柳依依”的犀浦校区以及座落在“世界文化和自然双遗产”峨眉山风景区的峨眉校区,占地总面积约5 000亩。学校以工科为主,工、理、管、经、文、法等多学科协调发展,是国家首批“2 11门工程”、“特色9 8 5工程”(轨道交通运输工程优势学科创新平台)建设高校以及正式设有研究生院的全国重点大学,是教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”首批试点高校和“专业学位研究生教育综合改革”试点高校。作为国务院学位委员会首批批准的具有博士、硕士学位授予权的单位,学校拥有完备的学士-硕士-博士培养体系,设有1 7个学院,76个重点本科专业(其中有1 2个国家级特色专业)' 15个级学科博士学位授权点,43个级学科硕士学位授权点和1 0个博士后科研流动站。

Founded in 1896, Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) is one of the earliest universities inChina, and is known as "the Cradle for the Chinese Railway Engineers" and "Cornellof the East".Nowadays, SWJTU has developed into a multiversity with a focus on engineering andwithdevelopment of multi-disciplines, covering engineering, science, management, economics,liberal arts, law and other subject areas. Included in the“211 Project”and the“985 FeatureProject”, SWJTU is a national key university with a graduate school, and owns a completeBachelor-Master-Doctor cultivation system with 76 key undergraduate majors (12 of which arenational feature majors), 56 doctoral programs, 138 master programs, and10 post-doctoral stations.

近年来,学校加大开放式、国际化办学力度,同国际铁路联盟、康奈尔大学、早稻田大学、慕尼黑工业大学等世界上54个国家、地区的142所高校和科研院所建立了长期合作伙伴关系,是“中美1 +2+1 ”、“中法4+4 ”、“中欧精英大学联盟(TAMDEM)”中方项目成员之一,是“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”签约院校,国际合作与交流项目覆盖所有的年级和各个层次的学生。2011年,与瑞典卡尔斯塔德大学合作共建了学校第一所也是四川高校在欧洲的第一所孔子学院。

In recent years, SWJTU has paid great attention to international exchanges andcooperation,andhas established exchange programs with over 142 universities and institutesin 54 countries and regions, and has become one of thepartneruniversities of the“4+4”Cooperation Plan between China and France and TAMDEM. The internationalexchanges and cooperation programs cover all levels of students and degrees. In 2011, incollaboration with the University of Karlstad, Sweden,a Confucius Institutewas builtin Europe.

II.艺术与传播学院About the School of Arts and Communication


The School of Arts and Communication was founded in June 2004, incorporating theDepartments of Fine Arts, Chinese Language and Literature, and Music from theformerSchool ofHumanities and Social Science. The School commits itself to the development and shapingof a series of influential disciplines of humanities and arts, dissolves the distinctiveboundaries between the subjects of liberal arts and cultures and those of science andengineering, and through the interaction and interrelation between them fosters anenvironment of academic originality and creativity.


The School consists of six departmentsofthe Department of Art Design, the Departmentof Industrial Design, the Department of Fine Arts, the Department of Communication, andthe Department of Music as well as a research institute, namely theInstitute of Design and Researchfor Man-Machine-Environment Engineering System, five research centers, includingthe Center ofComparative Literature and Contemporary Culture, the Center of Film and TelevisionCulture, the Center of Modern Arts, the Center of Baand Shu Dialects and Literature, and theCenter of Germany-Austria Culture & Art and three studios including the Central Studio ofArtistic Creation, the Studio for Communication, Film and Television, and the Music Studio.


The School also serves as the base for the training of talents of design arts in SichuanProvince, and is now engaged in the construction of National base for the education ofuniversity students' cultural quality.


There is a competent staff of 160 members in the school, withover20 professors, 50 associateprofessors.More than80% of the staff are PhD or M A degree holders, and many of them arerenowned scholars and artists returning from Austria, Germany, US, Japan, Russia etc.after the completion of their overseas studies. In addition, over 50 prestigious artists andscholars are working as the advisors or adjunct professors of the School.


The school has already formed a complete system covering BA, MA and PhD programs. The school offers a First-Grade Discipline for PhD Degree ofChinese Language and Literature, the Doctor Degree of Industrial Design and Engineering,four First-Grade Disciplines for academic Master’s Degree, includingChinese Language andLiterature, Journalism and Communication, Musicology and Dance,andDesignScience, also theprofessional Master Degree of Industrial Design and Engineering, and Art etc., and 8 majorsfor bachelor's degree. At present, there are now over 1900 undergraduate students, 500master and doctoratestudents, and 150 students for continuing studiesattheSchool.


TheDepartment of Chinese Language and Literature (International Education Center)is one of the fastest-growing disciplines in Southwest Jiaotong University. It has wonin recent years the full support from the University in therecruitment of staff and development of disciplines, which in turn resultsin the great progress ofthe Department in terms of academic achievement. The Department now assembles a bodyof intelligent and creative faculty and offers a complete range of programs.


The Department concentrates on the development of postgraduate programs and offershigh level graduate study programs based on experience and achievements obtainedin undergraduate programs. The Discipline of Chinese Language and Literature has beenauthorized to confer Doctor Degree Chinese Language and Literature,and the disciplineof Comparative Literature and WorldLiteraturewasnamed provinciallevel key discipline, and other disciplines like Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature,Translation Studies, Chinese Philology, Chinese Classic Philology,andTheory of Literature and Artall enjoy high reputation in their respective academic fields. A first-level MA discipline ofChinese Language and Literature was granted to the department covering 7 second-leveldisciplines, 18 programs presented to undergraduate and graduate students in pursuit of thedifferent level of degrees like BA, MA, and PhD.

IV.汉语国际教育教学团队Team of Chinese International Education

中文系(汉语国际教育中心)拥有一支高职称、高学历、高素质的学术队伍。现有教师32人,其中教授、副教授25人,拥有博士学位的教师占85 %。本学科队伍年富力强,结构合理,有较强的科研创新实力,近五年来共承担国家社科基金项目10项,其他国家级项目11项,省部级项目18项。获省部级以上政府社科优秀成果奖17余项。

The teaching staff of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature (International Education Center) are high-titled, advanced-educated, and highly qualified.There are 32 full-time faculty members, 25 of them are professors and associate professors, and 85% of themhave already got the PhD degrees. With strong expertise and competence in research andacademic fields, the faculty has, in the past five years, implemented 10 national socialscience foundation projects, 11 other national projects, and 18 projects on the provincial levelawards.


Curriculum for Confucius Institute Scholarship Students


In light of the education goal and conditions of Confucius Institute students, the School hasdesigned a proper education program and series of courses for Confucius Institute Scholarship fellows,in the hope of establishing an education system integrated with class learning, culture experiencingand social activity. Furthermore, each semester, we will design afeature program about Chinese culture, offer serial lectures on topics from traditional Chinese culture,to Modern China ideas, culture, and economy.



For enquiries, please contact

Prof. Jing Zhao

Dr. Elvis Yang Huang

Postal address

The Foreign Affairs Office

# x8310, SchoolofArtsand Communication

SouthwestJiaotongUniversity, Xipu

West Zone, Hi-Tech District

Chengdu, Sichuan Province,China 611756