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国际美术应用研究所International Institute of Applied Fine A

作者:wy 日期:2013-01-01 00:00 点击数:



International Institute of Applied Fine Arts

The International Institute of Applied Fine Arts of the School was established in 1997 and it has a faculty of 10 composed of 4 professors and many associate professors. The Institute serves as the venue and platform for international exchange and communication in applied fine arts by organizing academic activities, which contributes to the internationalization and development of the School. Since its foundation, the Institute has organized a series of academic activities, and yielded some prominent results. Up to date, over 100 students, staff, artists, experts and scholars in fields like environmental arts, industrial design, graphic design, mass communication, fine arts etc. have participated in those academic activities, and the interactions and exchanges have so far reached a level far wider and deeper than ever imagined before.